David Hasselhoff''s Guardians of the Galaxy Rap is .
Those sleeves. Those sequins. That neckline. Seriously, if this music video is even a tenth as retrotacular as the poster for David Hasselhoff''s Guardians Inferno ...
Those sleeves. Those sequins. That neckline. Seriously, if this music video is even a tenth as retrotacular as the poster for David Hasselhoff''s Guardians Inferno ...
President Donald Trump remains at least relatively sure it is not him but everyone else who is the titanic idiot, per freshly hired goon and White House ...
Good golly; way to go, Kalyn! For my house in Mill Valley, we bought an old Wedgwood with red plastic trim. The folks who had reconditioned it (flame adjustment ...
I noted years ago that most copper, steel, or SS oil pipes did not mate up with the rocker feed banjos very well, and like Jack, thought that a flexible pipe ...
Ever notice how Christopher Nolan''s movies (Interstellar, Inception, The Prestige) feel like an anxiety attack? Well, maybe that''s overstating things a bit. But ...
Started January 1, 2017. The link to the previous forum is Forum 2016... MTFCA Home... Classifieds Posts should be related to the Model T. Post for the good of the hobby.
Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you''ll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming ...
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research ..
Beep Beep. A vroom in the night. It''s your car. It''s time to give it a taste of the road with its tirefeet. Let your car go for a drive. You gotta do it, bud.
Computers believe in conspiracy theories now. The New Inquiry''s Francis Tseng trained a bot to recognize patterns in photos and draw links between similar pictures ...
Do you deliberately avoid visiting friends who live in multistory buildings without an elevator? No one would fault you—having to climb even just a single flight ...
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DICCIONARIO PARA PRINCIPIANTES INGLESESPAÑOL a / un a / una a (cassette) recorder / grabadora a (draw) well / pozo A (note) / la
Witches have come in all shapes, sizes, and powers over the centuries, but there''s one thing they usually have in common: They''re women. Image''s powerful series ...
Latest environmental news, features and updates. Pictures, video and more.
A neat innovation, but one based on technology that incumbents could easily ... Diagram and compare how various firms organize to bring products and services to ...
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The franc also commonly distinguished as the French franc (FF), was a currency of France. Between 1360 and 1641, it was the name of coins worth 1 livre tournois and ...
An autodimming mirror may not sound like the most exciting car part, but call it by another name—electrochromic mirror—and you begin to suspect that there''s ...
DAVE''s, RAJENDRA''s, JOE''s, et al''s list of SHIP KIT REVIEWS. Ver. 8 March 2017. SHIP KITS LIST Table of Contents. Introduction ; Version History
Propionic acid (PA) is widely used as an antifungal agent in food. It is present naturally at low levels in dairy products and occurs ubiquitously, together with ...
An elevator (US and Canada) or lift (UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and South Africa) is a type of vertical transportation that moves people or goods between ...
When you''re away from home all day, whether working or exploring, you need to be prepared for every possible contingency. Perhaps you pack an extra battery pack, or ...