nobber or knobber | Mumsnet Discussion
I''d favour knobber, but might use nobber if I felt that said (k)nobber only merited phonetic spelling. It would be part of the insult in my mind. Add message | Report.
I''d favour knobber, but might use nobber if I felt that said (k)nobber only merited phonetic spelling. It would be part of the insult in my mind. Add message | Report.
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Definitions of nobber, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of nobber, analogical dictionary of nobber (English)
Nobber is in Co. Nobber is not matched up to yet. Map ...
Nobbe Orthopedics Inc, a premier Central Coast prosthetic and orthotic facility with locations in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, and Ventura. We specializes in the ...
NOBBER, a posttown and parish, in the barony of MORGALLION, county of MEATH, and province of LEINSTER, from A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by , 1837
Nobber ( Irish : an Obair, meaning "the work" – referring to a moat around a Norman castle) is a village in north County Meath, Ireland .The village is located ...
Nobber GFC. Open Need Basis: Yes: Membership Required: Yes: Casual Use: No: Contact Information: Address: Nobber: Contact .
You keep at work and get a crowd watching you, and the nobber comes casuallike round the back of them. Down and Out in Paris and London. You really want a nobber ...
Nobber,, is one of the small villages to be served by the independently built line which ran between Navan and Kingscourt, which opened in 1872, and was ...